#!/bin/sh set -e cd $(dirname $0) . ../util.sh current_test=$(basename $(pwd)) docker swarm init printf "test" | docker secret create minio_root_user - printf "GMusLtUmILge2by+z890kQ" | docker secret create minio_root_password - docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml test_stack while [ -z $(docker ps -q -f name=backup) ]; do info "Backup container not ready yet. Retrying." sleep 1 done sleep 20 docker exec $(docker ps -q -f name=backup) backup docker run --rm \ -v backup_data:/data alpine \ ash -c 'tar -xf /data/backup/test.tar.gz && test -f /backup/pg_data/PG_VERSION' pass "Found relevant files in untared backup." sleep 5 expect_running_containers "5" docker exec -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test $(docker ps -q -f name=backup) backup \ && fail "Backup should have failed due to duplicate env variables." pass "Backup failed due to duplicate env variables." docker exec -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_FILE=/tmp/nonexistant $(docker ps -q -f name=backup) backup \ && fail "Backup should have failed due to non existing file env variable." pass "Backup failed due to non existing file env variable."