#!/bin/sh set -e cd "$(dirname "$0")" . ../util.sh current_test=$(basename $(pwd)) mkdir -p local docker compose up -d sleep 5 docker compose exec backup backup expect_running_containers "2" tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d) echo "1234#\$ecret" | gpg -d --pinentry-mode loopback --yes --passphrase-fd 0 ./local/test.tar.gz.gpg > ./local/decrypted.tar.gz tar -xf ./local/decrypted.tar.gz -C $tmp_dir if [ ! -f $tmp_dir/backup/app_data/offen.db ]; then fail "Could not find expected file in untared archive." fi rm ./local/decrypted.tar.gz pass "Found relevant files in decrypted and untared local backup." if [ ! -L ./local/test-latest.tar.gz.gpg ]; then fail "Could not find local symlink to latest encrypted backup." fi docker compose down --volumes