{% set description = 'Developing an open alternative to common web analytics tools. Gain insights while your users have full access to their data. Lightweight, self hosted and free.' %}
<divclass="mw8 center cclr-bg-white-responsive mt5-ns">
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<h2class="f25 normal lh-title ma0 mt4 mb3">
Offen Blog
<pclass="ma0 mb5">
Hi there. We are Frederik and Hendrik. Here we post about how we're building a fair and open web analytics tool and what we're discovering along the way.
<divclass="flex flex-wrap">
{% for article in articles %}
<divclass="w-100 w-50-l">
{% if loop.index != 1 %}
<hrclass="b--none db dn-l">
{% endif %}
<articleclass="w-100 mt5 mt0-l mt0-l gray">
<divclass="mw8 center pv5 ph3 ph5-m pr0-l pl5-l bg-white">