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2022-05-18 15:22:12 +02:00
{% extends "page.html" %}
{% set funnel = True %}
{% block content %}
<div class="w-100 mt5-ns cclr-bg-white-fade-end">
<div class="mw8 center bg-white">
<div class="flex justify-center pt0 pt3-m pt3-l ph4">
<div class="w-100 w-80-m w-60-l">
<div class="flex flex-column mt3">
<h1 class="f3 f2-m f2-l normal lh-title ma0 mb3">
Fair web analytics
<ul class="w-100 w-70-ns list pa0 ma0 mb2 mb4-m mb4-l">
<li class="mb2">
Your users <i>actively give their consent and </i>have full access to their data.
<li class="mb2">
<i>You comply with GDPR guidelines and </i>gain valuable insights at the same time.
Offen <i>is open source, lightweight, self hosted and </i>will always be available for free.
</li >
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-between">
<p class="f3 normal ma0 mt2 mb2 mb0-ns">
Switch today!
<div class="flex flex-wrap tc">
<a class="w-100 w-auto-ns b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid cclr-fnt-black-mid mr0 mr2-ns mb2 mb0-ns" href="/try-demo/" rel="noopener">Try demo</a>
<a class="w-100 w-auto-ns b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid white cclr-bg-black-mid" href="/get-started/" rel="noopener">Get started</a>
<div class="mw8 center bg-white">
<div class="flex justify-center ph0 pv4 ph4-m ph4-l">
<div class="w-100 w-80-m w-60-l">
<div class="flex justify-center">
<img src="/theme/images/gfx-matomo-lp.png" width="513" alt="Matomo alternative">
<div class="mw8 center cclr-bg-white-dark">
<div class="flex justify-center pt5 ph4">
<div class="w-100 w-80-m w-60-l mb3">
<p class="gray ma0 mb2">
Balanced between operator and user
<h2 class="f3 normal lh-title ma0 mb3">
<em>Offen is a web analytics tool that treats operators and users as equal parties.</em>
<ul class="w-100 w-80-ns pa0 pl3 ma0">
<li class="mb2">
<i>Offen's default is to </i>NOT collect any data. <i>Usage data is collected after </i>opt-in only.
<li class="mb2">
Your users can access and delete their data any time <i>or opt out completely.</i>
<i>All the essential metrics help you to </i>improve your service in an ethical way.
<div class="mw8 center cclr-bg-white-dark">
<div class="flex justify-center pt2 ph2 ph4-m ph4-l">
<img src="/theme/images/gfx-matomo-lp-metrics.png" alt="Offen metrics" class="w-100 dn dib-l">
<img src="/theme/images/gfx-matomo-lp-metrics-mobile.png" alt="Offen metrics" class="w-100 dib dn-l">
<div class="flex justify-center pt2 ph4">
<div class="w-100 w-80-m w-60-l mb5">
<p class="gray ma0 mb2">
It's time to change.
<h2 class="f3 normal lh-title ma0 mb3">
Run your own free and lightweight web analytics.
<ul class="w-100 w-80-ns pa0 pl3 ma0">
<li class="mb2">
<i>Offen is fully open source and will </i>always be available for free. <i>No “Pro Plans” lurking.</i>
<li class="mb2">
<i>You self host and </i>dont transfer any data <i>to third parties.</i>
<li class="mb2">
The installation is relatively simple <i>and the tracking script is reduced to a minimum.</i>
<li class="ma0">
Detailed documentation <i>assists with the installation and daily operation.</i>
<div class="mw8 center bg-white">
<div class="flex justify-center pv5 ph4">
<div class="w-100 w-80-m w-60-l">
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-between mb3">
<p class="f3 normal ma0 mt2 mb2 mb0-ns">
Make a difference.
<div class="flex flex-wrap tc">
<a class="w-100 w-auto-ns b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid cclr-fnt-black-mid mr0 mr2-ns mb2 mb0-ns" href="/try-demo/" rel="noopener">Try demo</a>
<a class="w-100 w-auto-ns b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid white cclr-bg-black-mid" href="/get-started/" rel="noopener">Get started</a>
{% endblock %}