<ahref="/"title="offen home page"alt="offen home page"><imgsrc="/theme/logo.svg"alt="offen logo"width="165"height="102"class="logo"></a>
<strong>offen</strong> is a free analysis software for websites and web applications that allows a fair handling of data.
<p><strong>offen</strong> not only allows operators to access the analysis data, <em>but also gives users access to the data points</em> assigned to them.</p>
<p>All metrics contain explanations about their meaning and use. What is not collected <em>is clearly recognizable.</em> Data can be deleted or the <em>recording can be stopped completely</em> by users.</p>
<p>Our goal is to provide users and operators with <em>full transparency</em> and thus encourage everybody involved to make independent decisions regarding the use of their data.</p>
<p><strong>offen</strong> open is currently in the concept phase and is applying for various development funds.</p>