{% block head %} {% block title %}{{ title }}{% endblock %} {% if template != 'archives' %} {% endif %} {% assets filters="postcss", output="css/style.min.css", "css/tachyons.min.css", "css/fix.css", "css/fonts.css" %} {% endassets %} {% if OFFEN_ACCOUNT_ID and not no_stats %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
{% else %} {% block outro %}
{% if cta_1 %}


Audit our open source code and feel free to make a contribution.

Get involved
{% endif %} {% if cta_2 %}

In the making

Discover what is already up and running and where we want to go.

Open blog
{% endif %}

Ethical internet

Help to ensure that Offen is independent and can be sustained.

Support us
{% endblock %}


Fair web analytics

{{ BUILD_DATE | strftime('%B %Y') }}
{% endif %} {% block scripts %} {% assets filters="rjsmin", output="scripts/packed.js", "scripts/jquery-3.4.1.min.js", "scripts/menu.js", "scripts/fade.js", "scripts/clipboard.min.js", "scripts/click-to-copy.js" %} {% endassets %} {% endblock %}