{% extends "base.html" %} {% set title = 'Fair analytics blog | Offen' %} {% set description = 'Developing an open alternative to common web analytics tools. Gain insights while your users have full access to their data. Lightweight, self hosted and free.' %} {% set href = 'blog/' %} {% set no_stats = False %} {% set template = 'archives' %} {% set cta_1 = 'true' %} {% block content %} {% for article in articles %} {% if loop.index != 1 %} <hr class="mb5 b--none"> {% endif %} <div class="w-100 mt5-ns gray"> <div class="mw7 center pt5 pb5 ph3 ph5-ns bg-white"> <figure class="larger-image mb4"> <a href="{{ article.slug }}"> <img alt="{{ article.title }}" src="{{ article.image_url }}"/> </a> </figure> <h6 class="f5 lh-solid normal ma0 light-silver"> {{ article.date | strftime('%d %b %Y') }}{% if article.modified %}(article.updated {{ article.modified | strftime('%d %b %Y') }}){% endif %}, {{ article.author }} </h6> <h1 class="f2 normal lh-title mt3 ma0 mb3 light-silver"> <a href="{{ article.slug }}" class="link b dim gray">{{ article.title }}</a> </h1> <p class=""> {{ article.description }} <a href="{{ article.slug }}" class="link b dim gray">Read more</a> </p> </div> </div> {% endfor %} {% endblock %}