{% extends "page.html" %} {% set funnel = 'true' %} {% block content %} <div class="w-100 mt5-ns cclr-bg-white-dark"> <div class="mw7 center pt5 pb5 ph4 bg-white"> <div class="w-100 center tc"> <h2 class="f1-ns f2 normal ma0 mb4"> Get started </h2> <h3 class="f25 f2-ns normal ma0 mb5 mh6-ns"> Choose your preferred way to self host Offen </h3> <div class="flex flex-column items-center"> <p class="lh-title ma0 mb2 gray"> Single binary file <br>for Linux, Windows or MacOS </p> <a class="w-100 w5-ns tc b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid mb5 white cclr-bg-black-mid" href="{{ RELEASE_DIRECT_URL }}" rel="noopener">Download</a> <p class="lh-title ma0 mb2 gray"> Offen as a lightweight<br> Docker image </p> <a class="w-100 w5-ns tc b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid mb5 white cclr-bg-black-mid" href="{{ DOCKER_DIRECT_URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Deploy with Docker</a> <p class="lh-title ma0 mb2 gray"> Your own instance on Heroku </p> <a class="w-100 w5-ns tc b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid mb6 white cclr-bg-black-mid" href="{{ HEROKU_DIRECT_URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Deploy to Heroku</a> </div> <p class="tc ma0 mb4 mh5-ns gray"> Be aware that things can still contain issues and that the upgrade path may be broken with upcoming releases. </p> <hr class="ma0 mb5 b--black-05"> <h3 class="f25 normal ma0 mb5"> Read the docs </h3> <div class="flex flex-column items-center"> <p class="lh-title ma0 mb2 gray"> Details on how to<br> install and run Offen </p> <a class="w-100 w5-ns tc b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid mb5 cclr-fnt-black-mid" href="https://docs.offen.dev/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Open Docs</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %}