help: @echo " setup" @echo " Build the development containers and install dependencies." @echo " update" @echo " Install / update dependencies in the containers." @echo " bootstrap" @echo " Set up and seed databases." @echo " **IMPORTANT**: this wipes any existing data in your local database." @echo " build" @echo " Build the production images." setup: dev-build update howto dev-build: @docker-compose build howto: @echo "Successfully built containers and installed dependencies." @echo "If this is your initial setup, you can run 'make bootstrap' next" @echo "to create and seed the database." bootstrap: @echo "Bootstrapping Server service ..." @docker-compose run server bootstrap @echo "" @echo "You can now log into the development backend using the following credentials:" @echo "" @echo "Email:" @echo "Password: develop" @echo "" update: @echo "Installing / updating dependencies ..." @docker-compose run homepage pip install --user -r requirements.txt @echo "Applying pending database migrations ..." @docker-compose run server migrate DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG ?= local ROBOTS_FILE ?= robots.txt.staging SITEURL ?= http://localhost:8000 build: @docker build --build-arg siteurl=${SITEURL} --build-arg robots=${ROBOTS_FILE} -t offen/website:${DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG} -f build/Dockerfile . .PHONY: setup build bootstrap build