import os from datetime import datetime from pelican_decorate_content import decorate_content # If your site is available via HTTPS, make sure SITEURL begins with https:// RELATIVE_URLS = False AUTHOR = 'offen' SITENAME = 'Fair Web Analytics | Offen' PATH = 'content' TIMEZONE = 'Europe/Berlin' DEFAULT_LANG = 'en' BUILD_DATE = # Feed generation is usually not desired when developing FEED_ALL_ATOM = None CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None SITEURL = 'http://localhost:8000' # pagination DEFAULT_PAGINATION = False THEME = './theme' # Delete the output directory before generating new files. DELETE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = False CACHE_CONTENT = True DIRECT_TEMPLATES = ['sitemap', 'archives'] # dont create following standard pages AUTHOR_SAVE_AS = '' AUTHORS_SAVE_AS = '' CATEGORY_SAVE_AS = '' CATEGORIES_SAVE_AS = '' TAG_SAVE_AS = '' TAGS_SAVE_AS = '' ARCHIVES_SAVE_AS = 'blog/index.html' SITEMAP_SAVE_AS = 'sitemap.xml' PAGE_SAVE_AS = '{slug}/index.html' ARTICLE_SAVE_AS = 'blog/{slug}/index.html' PLUGIN_PATHS = ['./plugins'] PLUGINS = [decorate_content, 'assets'] MARKDOWN = { 'extension_configs': { 'markdown.extensions.extra': {}, 'markdown.extensions.meta': {}, 'markdown.extensions.fenced_code': {}, 'markdown_link_attr_modifier': { 'auto_title': 'on', 'new_tab': 'external_only', }, }, 'output_format': 'html5', } DECORATE_CONTENT = { '[data-button]': ['w-100', 'w-auto-ns', 'tc', 'tl-ns', 'dib', 'mt3', 'ph4', 'pv2', 'b--solid', 'bw2'], '[data-button-mb5]': ['w-100', 'w-auto-ns', 'tc', 'tl-ns', 'dib', 'mt3', 'mb5', 'ph4', 'pv2', 'b--solid', 'bw2'], '[data-button-mb3]': ['w-100', 'w-auto-ns', 'tc', 'tl-ns', 'dib', 'mt3', 'mb3', 'ph4', 'pv2', 'b--solid', 'bw2'], '[data-button="outline"]': ['b--gray', 'gray'], '[data-button="full"]': ['cclr-brd-black-mid', 'white', 'cclr-bg-black-mid'], '[data-button-mb5="full"]': ['cclr-brd-black-mid', 'white', 'cclr-bg-black-mid'], 'figure a': ['link'], 'p a': ['link', 'b', 'dim'], 'h1 a': ['link', 'b', 'dim'], 'h2 a': ['link', 'b', 'dim'], 'h3 a': ['link', 'b', 'dim'], 'h4 a': ['link', 'b', 'dim'], 'h5 a': ['normal', 'moon-gray'], 'li a': ['link', 'b', 'dim'], 'a:not([data-button])': ['gray'], 'h1': ['f2', 'normal', 'lh-title', 'mt3', 'ma0', 'mb3'], 'h2': ['f2', 'normal', 'lh-title', 'mt4', 'ma0', 'mb3'], 'h3': ['f3', 'normal', 'mt5', 'ma0', 'mb3'], 'h4': ['f5', 'normal', 'mt4', 'ma0', 'mb3'], 'h5': ['f5', 'normal', 'mt5', 'ma0', 'mb1'], # text over button 'h6': ['f5', 'normal','i', 'ma0'], # Not used 'p': ['ma0', 'pb3'], 'blockquote': ['f4', 'ma0', 'ph4-ns', 'pv3', 'mb3'], 'blockquote p': ['nb2'], 'hr': ['mt5', 'mb3', 'b--black-05'], 'ol': ['pb3'] } GITHUB_REPO = '' ROADMAP = '' CONTACT_EMAIL = '' PGP_KEY_FILE = '74B041E23DB29D552644CEB1B18C633D6967FE3F.asc' PATREON_URL = '' LINKEDIN_URL = '' TWITTER_URL = '' MASTODON_URL = '' RELEASE_DIRECT_URL = '' DOCKER_DIRECT_URL = '' HEROKU_DIRECT_URL = '' UBERSPACE_DIRECT_URL = '' YUNOHOST_DIRECT_URL = '' OFFEN_AUDITORIUM_URL = '' DOCS_URL = '' DOCS_GETSTARTED_URL = '' DOCS_GETSTARTED_URL_CAMPAIGN = '' DOCS_TRYDEMO_URL = '' DOCS_TRYDEMO_URL_CAMPAIGN = '' OFFEN_ACCOUNT_ID = os.environ.get('OFFEN_ACCOUNT_ID', None)