{% extends "page.html" %}

{% block content %}
  <div class="w-100 mt5-ns cclr-mid-yellow">
    <div class="mw8 center" id="bg-intro">
      <div class="flex flex-wrap pt6-ns pt-3 ph4">
        <div class="mw5 pr4 pb3">
          <img src="/theme/images/offen-logo-white.svg" alt="Offen logo" width="146" height="90">
        <div class="mw6">
          <h1 class="f1-ns f2 lh-solid ma0 mb3">
            Transparent <span>web analytics</span>
          <p class="ma0 mb4">
            Offen is an open source analytics software for websites <span>and web applications. It allows respectful handling of data </span> <span>for operators and users.</span>
          <div class="pb6">
            <a class="b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 brd-cclr-mid-black fnt-cclr-mid-black" href="{{GITHUB_ORG}}" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Get involved</a>

  <div class="w-100 cclr-mid-mint">
    <div class="pt3 pb6 ph3" id="bg-feature">
      <div class="mw8 center">
        <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-around">
          <div class="w55 mh3 pt5 tc">
            <h2 class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mb3">
              <em>Free & Open</em>
            <p class="ma0">
              Anyone can audit our open source code to verify it works as intended. Offen will always be available for free.
          <div class="w55 mh3 pt5 tc">
            <h2 class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mb3">
              <em>Fair & Secure</em>
            <p class="ma0">
              Pay respect to your website visitors and gain insights as a user at the same time. All data is encrypted end-to-end.
          <div class="w55 mh3 pt5 tc">
            <h2 class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mb3">
              <em>Easy to use</em>
            <p class="ma0">
              Simply paste our code into the source of your website. Users can visit the auditorium to access their data.

  <div class="w-100 cclr-mid-black white">
    <div class="pt3 pb6 ph4" id="bg-cta-top">
      <div class="flex justify-end mw6 center pt5">
        <div class="w55 tr">
          <h2 class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mb3">
            In the making
          <p class="ma0 mb4">
            Offen is still in alpha. Discover what is already up and running and where we want to go in the coming months.
          <a class="b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 b--white white" href="/blog/">Project status</a>

  <div class="w-100 bg-white gray">
    <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center pt5 pb6">
      <div class="mw7 mw8-l center ph5-ns ph3">
        <div class="columns mb3">
          {{ page.content }}
          <a class="b link dim ph4 pv2 mt3 dib b--solid bw2 brd-cclr-mid-yellow fnt-cclr-mid-yellow" href="/deep-dive/">Deep dive</a>
{% endblock %}

{% block outro %}
  <div class="w-100 cclr-mid-yellow">
    <div class="pt3 pb6 ph4" id="bg-outro">
      <div class="flex justify-end mw6 center pt5">
        <div class="w55 tr">
          <h2 class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mb3">
            Ethical internet
          <p class="mb4">
            We're working hard to ensure that Offen is independent, cutting-edge and can be sustained for years to come.
          <a class="b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 brd-cclr-mid-black fnt-cclr-mid-black" href="{{PATREON_URL}}" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Support us</a>
{% endblock %}