{% extends "page.html" %} {% block content %} <div class="w-100 mt5-ns cclr-bg-yellow-mid"> <div class="mw8 center"> <div class="flex justify-center pt5 ph4"> <div class="dn db-ns w-20 tr pr3 pb3"> <img src="/theme/images/offen-icon-white.svg" alt="Offen logo" width="58" height="63"> </div> <div class="w-100 w-80-ns"> <div class="flex"> <div class="db dn-ns intro-margin-a mb2 mr2"> <img src="/theme/images/offen-icon-white.svg" alt="Offen logo" width="40" height="43"> </div> <h1 class="f1-ns f2 normal lh-solid ma0 mb1 intro-margin-b white"> Offen </h1> </div> <h1 class="f1-ns f2 normal lh-solid ma0 mb3"> Transparent <span>web analytics</span> </h1> <p class="ma0 mb4"> Offen is a fair alternative to common web analytics tools. <span>Respect your users and gain insight at the same time. </span>Self hosted, open source and free. </p> <div class="pb5 mb2"> <a class="b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid cclr-fnt-black-mid" href="#bg-explainer" rel="noopener">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- FEATURE --> <div class="w-100 overflow-hidden cclr-bg-mint-mid"> <div id="bg-pattern"> <div class="mw8 flex flex-wrap justify-center center tc"> <div class="w-100 w-third-l cclr-bg-mint-fade-a"> <div class="hx-feature"> <div class="relative"> <div class="absolute bg-feature-1"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-feature-1.png" alt="feature-2" width="640px" height="480px"> </div> </div> <h2 class="f2 normal lh-solid ma0 mb3 pt5"> <em class="em-mint-1"> Free & open </em> </h2> <p class="wx18 center ma0"> <i>Our</i> open source code <i>can be fully audited by the community. It will always be</i> available for free. <i>Seriously.</i> </p> </div> </div> <div class="w-100 w-third-l cclr-bg-mint-fade-b"> <div class="hx-feature" id="bg-feature-2"> <h2 class="f2 normal lh-solid ma0 mb3 ptx-feature-2"> <em class="em-mint-1"> Self hosted </em> </h2> <p class="wx18 center ma0"> Comply with GDPR <i>guidelines. Don't share data with third parties. Your</i> users have full access <i>to their data.</i> </p> </div> </div> <div class="w-100 w-third-l cclr-bg-mint-fade-a"> <div class="hx-feature"> <div class="relative"> <div class="absolute bg-feature-3"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-feature-3.png" alt="feature-3" width="640px" height="480px"> </div> </div> <div> <h2 class="f2 normal lh-solid ma0 mb3 ptx-feature-3"> <em class="em-mint-1"> Fair & secure </em> </h2> <p class="wx18 center ma0"> Pay respect <i>to your website visitors. Get valuable insights at the same time. All data is</i> encrypted end-to-end. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- INSIGHTS --> <div class="w-100 dib bg-white"> <div class="tc mh4"> <p class="f1-ns f2 lh-solid ma0 mt6"> Gain insights in an ethical way </p> <div class="mw7 center"> <p class="f5 ma0 mt3 mb6 mh0 mh3-m mh5-l"> Web analytics <i>is still an unfair and impenetrable business.</i> A proper alternative to common tools <i>is missing. Therefore we develop one.</i> <a class="b link dim cclr-fnt-black-mid" href="/deep-dive/">Deep dive</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- COMPARE --> <div class="w-100" id="bg-explainer"> <div class="mw8 center flex flex-wrap justify-center"> <!-- COMPARE A --> <div class="w-50-l w-100 cclr-bg-yellow-mid"> <div class="w-100 dib"> <div class="wx24 center"> <div class="relative"> <div class="absolute bg-compare-a-pfeil"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-compare-a-pfeil.png" alt="arrow" width="40px" height=="120px"> </div> </div> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mt6 mb3"> Your job </p> </div> </div> <div class="w-100 hx24 dib cclr-bg-white-fade"> <div class="wx24 center"> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center"> <div class="w-20 mt4"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-compare-a.png" alt="numbers" width="75px" height="315px"> </div> <div class="w-80 mt4"> <p class="ma0 ml3"> Self host <i>Offen in compliance with GDPR guidelines.</i> </p> <p class="ma0 ml3 mt4"> <i>Integrate the</i> code snippet <i>into pages you want to track.</i> </p> <p class="ma0 ml3 mt4"> <i>Make your</i> users aware <i>of the ability to access their data.</i> </p> <p class="ma0 ml3 mt4 mb5"> <i>Improve your service with</i> fair and transparent insights. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- COMPARE B --> <div class="w-50-l w-100"> <div class="w-100 dn db-l h3 bg-white"> </div> <div class="w-100 dib cclr-bg-mint-mid"> <div class="wx24 center"> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mt5 mb3"> Benefits for your users </p> </div> </div> <div class="w-100 hx24 dib cclr-bg-white-fade"> <div class="wx24 center"> <div class="relative"> <div class="absolute bg-compare-b-smile"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-compare-b-smile.png" alt="smile" width="210px" height="140px"> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center"> <div class="w-20 mt4"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-compare-b.png" alt="ok" width="75px" height="315px"> </div> <div class="w-80 mt4"> <p class="ma0 ml3"> Opt in to data collection <i>or decide to not participate at all.</i> </p> <p class="ma0 ml3 mt4"> Review own data <i>with detailed explanations of metrics and terms.</i> </p> <p class="ma0 ml3 mt4"> <i>Opt out completely at any time or only</i> delete existing usage data. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- COMPARE C --> <div class="w-50-l w-100"> <div class="w-100 hx-compare-c dib cclr-bg-white-fade"> <div class="h-100" id="bg-pattern"> <div class="wx24 center"> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mt5 mb4"> <em> What you see </em> </p> <p class="ma0 mb2 mr6-ns gray"> Data of all pages where your Offen installation is active. </p> <p class="ma0 mb4 gray"> For example </p> <!-- BOX --> <div class="w-100 dib br2 pa4 mb5 mb0-l shadow-4 cclr-fnt-black-mid bg-white"> <div class="relative"> <div class="absolute bg-compare-c-pfeil"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-compare-c-pfeil.png" alt="arrow" width="150px" height="150px"> </div> </div> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mb2"> 859 </p> <p class="f7 lh-solid ma0 mb4"> Unique users </p> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mb2"> 3.372 </p> <p class="f7 lh-solid ma0 mb4"> Unique sessions </p> <p class="f7 lh-solid pt2 ma0 mb3"> Top pages </p> <table class="f7 collapse dt--fixed mb4"> <tbody> <tr class="striped--near-white"> <td class="truncate pv2 pl2 pr1">https://www.yourpage.org/</td> </tr> <tr class="striped--near-white"> <td class="truncate pv2 pl2 pr1">https://www.yourpage.org/blog/</td> </tr> <tr class="striped--near-white"> <td class="truncate pv2 pl2 pr1">https://www.yourpage.org/landing/</td> </tr> <tr class="striped--near-white"> <td class="truncate pv2 pl2 pr1">https://www.yourpage.org/otherpage/</td> </tr> <tr class="striped--near-white"> <td class="truncate pv2 pl2 pr1">https://sub.yourpage.org/</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- COMPARE D --> <div class="w-50-l w-100"> <div class="w-100 hx-compare-d dib cclr-bg-white-fade"> <div class="h-100" id="bg-pattern"> <div class="wx24 center"> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mt5 mb4"> <em class="em-mint-2"> What your users see </em> </p> <p class="ma0 mb2 mr5-ns gray"> Data of all pages a user has visited where your Offen installation is active. </p> <p class="ma0 mb4 gray"> For example </p> <!-- BOX --> <div class="w-100 dib br2 mb5 mb0-l pa4 shadow-4 cclr-fnt-black-mid bg-white"> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mb2"> 1 </p> <p class="f7 lh-solid ma0 mb4"> Unique website </p> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mb2"> 5 </p> <p class="f7 lh-solid ma0 mb4"> Unique sessions </p> <p class="f7 lh-solid pt2 ma0 mb3"> Top pages </p> <table class="f7 collapse dt--fixed mb4"> <tbody> <tr class="striped--near-white"> <td class="truncate pv2 pl2 pr1">https://www.yourpage.org/</td> </tr> <tr class="striped--near-white"> <td class="truncate pv2 pl2 pr1">https://www.yourpage.org/blog/</td> </tr> <tr class="striped--near-white"> <td class="truncate pv2 pl2 pr1">https://www.yourpage.org/otherpage/</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- COMPARE E --> <div class="w-50-l w-100"> <div class="w-100 hx-more dib cclr-bg-yellow-mid"> <div class="wx24 center"> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mt5"> More features </p> <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center"> <div class="w-20 mt4"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-compare-e.png" alt="plus" width="75px" height="315px"> </div> <div class="w-80 mt4"> <p class="ma0"> All your accounts can be shared <i class="i-on-yellow">within your team.</i> </p> <p class="ma0 mt4"> <i class="i-on-yellow">User</i> data is only stored for 6 months <i class="i-on-yellow">and then deleted.</i> </p> <p class="ma0 mt4"> <i class="i-on-yellow">Use the</i> in-browser screen <i class="i-on-yellow">for a more intuitive setup.</i> </p> <p class="ma0 mt4 mb5"> <i class="i-on-yellow">A</i> detailed documentation <i class="i-on-yellow">on how to run Offen is available.</i> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- COMPARE F --> <div class="w-50-l w-100"> <div class="w-100 hx-try-user dib cclr-bg-mint-mid"> <div class="wx24 center"> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 mt5"> Try as user </p> <p class="ma0 mt4 mr0 mr4-ns"> <i>Offen is installed on this website. Access</i> your actual usage data <i>now.</i> </p> <div class="mt4"> <a class="b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid cclr-fnt-black-mid" href="{{ OFFEN_AUDITORIUM_URL }}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Open Auditorium</a> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-compare-f-scribble.png" alt="smile" width="300px" height="100px"> </div> </div> <div class="w-100 dn db-l h4 bg-white"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- METRICS --> <div class="w-100 hx-metrics dib cclr-bg-white-fade-metrics"> <div class="h-100" id="bg-pattern"> <div class="wx24-metrics center"> <div class="relative"> <div class="absolute bg-metrics-bulb"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-metrics-bulb.png" alt="smile" width="170px" height="170px"> </div> </div> <p class="f25 lh-solid ma0 ml0 ml5-l mt5 mb4"> <em> Essential metrics </em> </p> <p class="ma0 ml0 ml5-l w-100 w-33-l mb5"> All important statistics <i>that help you to improve your service. Collected</i> without violating the privacy of your users. </p> </div> <!-- BOX 10 Real --> <div class="relative"> <div class="relative absolute-m absolute-l stackbox-10 center"> <div class="w-100 dib br2 pa4 shadow-4 mt4 mt0-ns cclr-fnt-black-mid bg-white"> <p class="lh-solid ma0 mb4"> Real time </p> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-metrics-real.svg" alt="temp" width="320px" class="mb3"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- BOX 20 Bars --> <div class="relative"> <div class="relative absolute-m absolute-l stackbox-20 center"> <div class="w-100 dib br2 pa4 shadow-4 mt4 mt0-ns cclr-fnt-black-mid bg-white"> <p class="lh-solid ma0 mb4"> Page views and users </p> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-metrics-bars.svg" alt="temp" width="320px" class="mb3"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- BOX 30 Key --> <div class="relative"> <div class="relative absolute-m absolute-l stackbox-30 center"> <div class="w-100 dib br2 pa4 shadow-4 mt4 mt0-ns cclr-fnt-black-mid bg-white"> <p class="lh-solid ma0 mb4"> Key metrics </p> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-metrics-key.svg" alt="temp" width="320px" class="mb3"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- BOX 40 Pages --> <div class="relative"> <div class="relative absolute-m absolute-l stackbox-40 center"> <div class="w-100 dib br2 pa4 shadow-4 mt4 mt0-ns cclr-fnt-black-mid bg-white"> <p class="lh-solid ma0 mb4"> Top pages </p> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-metrics-pages.svg" alt="temp" width="320px" class="mb3"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- BOX 50 Retention --> <div class="relative"> <div class="relative absolute-m absolute-l stackbox-50 center mb5 mb0-ns"> <div class="w-100 dib br2 pa4 shadow-4 mt4 mt0-ns cclr-fnt-black-mid bg-white"> <p class="lh-solid ma0 mb4"> Weekly retention </p> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-metrics-retention.svg" alt="temp" width="320px" class="mb3"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- CTA --> <div class="w-100 dib bg-white"> <div class="tc mh4"> <div class="relative"> <div class="absolute bg-cta-pfeil"> <img src="/theme/images/gfx-cta-pfeil.png" alt="arrow" width="150px" height="150px"> </div> </div> <p class="f1-ns f2 lh-solid ma0 mt6 mb5"> Switch to fair web analytics </p> <div class="flex flex flex-wrap justify-center"> <div class="mw5 mb5 mh0 mh4-ns"> <p class="tc f5 ma0 mb3 gray mh4"> Test drive Offen on your system today </p> <a class="w-100 b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid cclr-fnt-black-mid" href="/try-demo/" rel="noopener">Try demo</a> </div> <div class="mw5 mb7 mh0 mh4-ns"> <p class="tc f5 ma0 mb3 mh4"> All you need to use Offen in production </p> <a class="w-100 b link dim ph4 pv2 dib b--solid bw2 cclr-brd-black-mid white cclr-bg-black-mid" href="/get-started/" rel="noopener">Get started</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> {% endblock %} {% block outro %} {% endblock %}