{% extends "base.html" %} {% set title = article.title + " | Offen" %} {% set description = article.description %} {% set href = article.save_as.replace('index.html', '') %} {% set image_url = article.image_url %} {% set no_stats = article.no_stats %} {% set template = article.template %} {% set bottom_cta = article.bottom_cta %} {% block content %} Offen is a fair, open and self hosted web analytics tool that treats operators and users as equal parties. {% if article.image_caption %} {{ article.image_caption }} {% endif %} {{ article.date | strftime('%d %b %Y') }}{% if article.modified %}(updated {{ article.modified | strftime('%d %b %Y') }}){% endif %}, {{ article.author }} {{ article.content }} {% endblock %}
Offen is a fair, open and self hosted web analytics tool that treats operators and users as equal parties.